The Journey Begins


Hi There and Welcome to my brand new Blog!
I’ve been meaning to create a blog for a while and when would it be the best time to start than NOW, right? I promise I will keep it simple and (somewhat) fun 🙂
So yes, that wonderful time of the year coming up- so called Christmas. All the excitement, all the glitter and all the FOOD… Well, stay with me- don’t lose me so quickly… We can’t ignore the fact that we all going to put a couple of pounds on (did I say a couple of pounds? I meant a LOT) over the next months. So this year after ending the year a bit heavier than I’ve started I’ve decided to put myself under a 30 days challenge. I cannot possible wear a Little Black Dress without losing weight first. There will be enough time after to put all he pounds back on the Christmas dinner.
But let’s just put the joke over the side for the second. Being a 33 years old woman without children I should be in my best shape of my life. Well, I should… But the honest reason I’m not is I like my carbs better than anything else. Pizza, pastry, bread you name it I will eat it. Not even being gluten intolerant would stop me eating all the goodies. (‘I will suffer later’ as I always say).
This seriously has to stop. I’m around 45 lbs/ 20 kg overweight. I’ve managed to pile it on just over a year including 14 lbs over the last month and a half. I mean, seriously…How is it even possible? The saddest thing is I haven’t noticed until I put one of my Back up going out top on and I literally looked like one of those hams with the string around it. Google it – it’s not a pretty picture.

Once I was the girl who knew everything about health and fitness, eating right and keeps the damn weight in bay. I’m sure all that information is still there and I’m planning to use it again. Not like my gym membership that haven’t been used in 3 months..

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I will be using the famous Dukan diet to give me a quick start. I haven’t mentioned yet that I’m not only gluten intolerant but also vegetarian. Maybe not the best diet I could choose but honestly it was working so well for me in the past, I cannot ignore the fact that it will help again.

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Also I’m planning a big holiday with my other half next year – we are going to Italy and I’d like to think that beach body is kinda essential. I would insert a a picture in here of a beautiful girl and boy with 6 pack, but it would be so cheesy and very unrealistic.
With that ladies and gent let the journey begin 🙂


