New Year New You


Well there it is, 1st day of the year!

So much to do and it’s all exciting stuff!

Let’s start on the basic’s – the best way to start is to plan my whole year out. Overwhelming, right? This is what I thought when I woke up in this morning with excitement and a sudden feeling that says there is no way I can get fit by losing weight, going to gym five times a week, eat healthy every single day and soon ….(Does it mean no pizza whatsoever??)

So I thought I will just take a step back and see what I can figure out to break this mission down.

I’ve decided to take one step in a day to get healthier.

-Dog walking 

What is the better way to get those recommended 10.000 steps in than taking your favorite four legged friend out to the park? Good for him – good for me! If you have no dog on your own you can always ask your family member if you can take their pup out or get your headphones and go for a long walk. Also it’s a perfect time to get your head cleared and you will feel better for it.

I track my steps or any exercise with Fitbit


Better choices of food


Maybe that extra spoon of butter were acceptable over the Christmas break but seriously there is no way it’s going to help your weight loss. I was looking for recipes that will make my life easier and ready in no time. There is a recipe book I would recommend to use.

30 minutes for a meal isn’t so bad after a long day at work 🙂


-Cut back on sugars and starches 

The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs). When you do that you hunger level goes down and your body starts feeding off the stored fat.


-Drink more water


People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger and ending up consuming more calories when you really needed is a glass of water. And also it does beautiful things to your skin. Less dark circles, smooth skin and let’s not forget about the fact that water flushes out toxins. I don’t know about you but after the holidays it is much needed!

Don’t forget to drink at least 2.5 -3 liters of water every day to start to see the results. My favorite bottle I carry everywhere I go 🙂

So this is how I’m going to start my year. Small steps to a healthy lifestyle.

Now let me take the pooch out to the park and get things going 🙂




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