Happy New Year Everyone


First of all I would like to wish Happy New Year everyone!

Is it only me who had a crazy busy year in 2018?

From family drama to moving house and from living the single life to moving together with my boyfriend? To be honest it was about time as age 33 I was getting close to be called the cat lady. Even know I love dogs so it’s more likely the dog lady 🙂

So yes, busy year but I’m gladly to put it behind me as I know there will be a lot more waiting for me in the next year. Good things I hope!

I have a full disclosure to make. I have not followed the 30 days challenge for different reasons. As per mentioned above all went crazy busy the last month. I really tried to keep my diet and go to gym but I just couldn’t be asked. Yes there it is, I’ve said it. Most of it failed as I thought I couldn’t lose the weight and squeeze myself into that little black dress (mind you I went to Scotland for the holidays and the last thing was on my mind to dress up in that cold weather instead of put my cosy Christmas jumper on for the Christmas dinner)

So basically it was all done to my mindset. And of course I was eating like there is no tomorrow so I have ended up putting lots of weight on. I refuse to beat myself up over it and I have big plans (smartly I have written all them down so there could be no reason not to follow The PLAN) I have found this cute food diary on amazon. I needed something that is always with me and reminds me of my dreams. Walking on the beach on my holiday without a flabby body that is.


So I have a food diary where I will be adding all the healthy foods I will be eating in 2019 to get me to my dreams. Do you find it when you have to write your daily food intake down you will automatically choose the right kind of food to eat ( as it gets in the diary and the pack of crisps or a chocolate bar doesn’t go unnoticed?).

You would be surprised the amount of food I was putting in my body in the last couple of weeks – I suppose everyone else is the same around Christmas- I can’t even imagine what kind of damages I’ve made to my body.

This is why I love the Holidays!

I can sit down and take a moment to think over what I want to achieve both personally and professionally. ( I’ve also got a diary 2019 planner  to keep in track on all my side hassle’s).


So guys, there is the last day for the year, go out and have fun and I will see you tomorrow to make those amazing plans.


Happy New Year 


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