The basic’s


So the journey begins to the slimmer me with the #30dayschallenge

Why 30 days? I can hear you ask. There is a very simple explanation to that. In 30 days we coming into Christmas and for that one short week I choose not to think about diet or exercise. I will probably make better food decisions anyway so I’m not worried to what will happen afterwards 🙂

My official diet has began 6 days ago. In a beautiful Saturday morning I’ve spotted that dreaded scale in the corner of my eye and I had THE fantastic idea to jump on it and soon after jump off and quickly hide it away. Well the scale actually show me a horrendous number! Literally I couldn’t believe what I saw but soon I had to realize that the numbers cannot be ignored. As I have mentioned it in my previous blog  (The Journey Begins)I’ve gained 14 lbs in the last month and a half..

So, where do I begin? I have previously tried and approved of the Dukan Diet. Basically you are following four phases – Two weight loss phases and two maintenance phases.

You can find a quick overview here –The diet

Also you can buy THE book in here.

As you can see you will have to start with calculating your true weight. Mine is 133 lbs and my current weight is 178 very round pounds. Which means I have hell of a lot to do.

So as I have shell shocked jumped off the scale I’ve promised to myself that all this weight gaining business has to stop and there is time to embrace my body again and not hide away in over-sized jumpers. By the way I LOVE LOVE LOVE over-sized jumpers but my other half mentioned that maybe it makes me look a bit bigger? He is right though- the picture proved it all when sneakily taken on his sister birthday party. I wish people could just give me a quick heads up before snapping as I could just suck my tummy in and adjust my posture. What an idyllic world it would be 😀

Shaking off the memory of the traumatic moment and long forgotten double cheesy pizza from the night before I’ve decided on diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle! I’ve done it before – I can do it again, right?


I find it really hard to start it as it is manly protein diet specially on the attack phase and being a vegetarian (and not into tofu) my options are very limited. I have been vegetarian over 25 years and all I can say is I wish I could eat meat so my life would be a lot easier to eat in or out.

Here is a list what I can eat on the attach phase- (if you are a meat lover you can find the  list in in here

  • Eggs
  • Tuna
  • Fat free dairy
  • Quorn
  • and the all so important Oat

So because the list isn’t very long I had to get creative with my meals. (Also I have to remember to start taking pictures to show you guys 🙂 ) But here is one from tonight’s dinner:

Pancake filled with spicy veggie sauce and side salad (no dressing!)


Please remember this is my day 6 so I’m allowed to have vegetables as I’ve decided to only do 5 days of PP (pure protein) days.

There is only the exercise part to figure out -when to fit in? How to start? What to wear as I have a quite round middle area and I don’t think any of my past used gym clothes can hide that. Anyone can relate?? If so, please give me ideas 🙂




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